Martedì 17 Dicembre 2024

L'inferno di cristallo a Dubai: in fiamme il grattacielo della Torch Tower

epa04629980 A general view of the upper floors of the Torch skyscraper (C, bottom) where a fire was blazed in the Gulf Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21 February 2015. A major fire was blazing in the upper floors of a skyscraper early 21 February 2015, in Dubai, with thousands of people evacuated from the building, media said. Flaming debris could be seen falling from the upper floors of the Torch, one of the tallest residential buildings in the world at 336.1 meters. The blaze began around the 50th floor and spread above the 70th floor, reports said. The building on the Dubai Marina has 79 floors. High winds were complicating the fire, and some people fleeing the building were being treated for smoke inhalation. The cause of the fire is yet unknown. No casualties have been yet reported. EPA/ALI HAIDER
epa04629981 A general view of the upper floors of the Torch skyscraper (L) where a fire was blazed in the Gulf Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21 February 2015. A major fire was blazing in the upper floors of a skyscraper early 21 February 2015, in Dubai, with thousands of people evacuated from the building, media said. Flaming debris could be seen falling from the upper floors of the Torch, one of the tallest residential buildings in the world at 336.1 meters. The blaze began around the 50th floor and spread above the 70th floor, reports said. The building on the Dubai Marina has 79 floors. High winds were complicating the fire, and some people fleeing the building were being treated for smoke inhalation. The cause of the fire is yet unknown. No casualties have been yet reported. EPA/ALI HAIDER
epa04630006 Workers clean in front of the Torch skyscraper where a fire was blazed in the Gulf Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21 February 2015. A major fire was blazing in the upper floors of a skyscraper early 21 February 2015, in Dubai, with thousands of people evacuated from the building, media said. Flaming debris could be seen falling from the upper floors of the Torch, one of the tallest residential buildings in the world at 336.1 meters. The blaze began around the 50th floor and spread above the 70th floor, reports said. The building on the Dubai Marina has 79 floors. High winds were complicating the fire, and some people fleeing the building were being treated for smoke inhalation. The cause of the fire is yet unknown. No casualties have been yet reported. EPA/ALI HAIDER
epa04630007 Members of the UAE civil defense stand in front of the Torch skyscraper where a fire was blazed in the Gulf Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21 February 2015. A major fire was blazing in the upper floors of a skyscraper early 21 February 2015, in Dubai, with thousands of people evacuated from the building, media said. Flaming debris could be seen falling from the upper floors of the Torch, one of the tallest residential buildings in the world at 336.1 meters. The blaze began around the 50th floor and spread above the 70th floor, reports said. The building on the Dubai Marina has 79 floors. High winds were complicating the fire, and some people fleeing the building were being treated for smoke inhalation. The cause of the fire is yet unknown. No casualties have been yet reported. EPA/ALI HAIDER
epa04630005 Workers clean in front of the Torch skyscraper where a fire was blazed in the Gulf Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21 February 2015. A major fire was blazing in the upper floors of a skyscraper early 21 February 2015, in Dubai, with thousands of people evacuated from the building, media said. Flaming debris could be seen falling from the upper floors of the Torch, one of the tallest residential buildings in the world at 336.1 meters. The blaze began around the 50th floor and spread above the 70th floor, reports said. The building on the Dubai Marina has 79 floors. High winds were complicating the fire, and some people fleeing the building were being treated for smoke inhalation. The cause of the fire is yet unknown. No casualties have been yet reported. EPA/ALI HAIDER
epa04630004 A general view of the upper floors of the Torch skyscraper where a fire was blazed in the Gulf Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21 February 2015. A major fire was blazing in the upper floors of a skyscraper early 21 February 2015, in Dubai, with thousands of people evacuated from the building, media said. Flaming debris could be seen falling from the upper floors of the Torch, one of the tallest residential buildings in the world at 336.1 meters. The blaze began around the 50th floor and spread above the 70th floor, reports said. The building on the Dubai Marina has 79 floors. High winds were complicating the fire, and some people fleeing the building were being treated for smoke inhalation. The cause of the fire is yet unknown. No casualties have been yet reported. EPA/ALI HAIDER
epa04630003 Building’s security stand at the parking enterance of the Torch skyscraper where a fire was blazed in the Gulf Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21 February 2015. A major fire was blazing in the upper floors of a skyscraper early 21 February 2015, in Dubai, with thousands of people evacuated from the building, media said. Flaming debris could be seen falling from the upper floors of the Torch, one of the tallest residential buildings in the world at 336.1 meters. The blaze began around the 50th floor and spread above the 70th floor, reports said. The building on the Dubai Marina has 79 floors. High winds were complicating the fire, and some people fleeing the building were being treated for smoke inhalation. The cause of the fire is yet unknown. No casualties have been yet reported. EPA/ALI HAIDER
epaselect epa04629979 A member of the UAE civil defense stands in front of the Torch skyscraper where a fire was blazed in the Gulf Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21 February 2015. A major fire was blazing in the upper floors of a skyscraper early 21 February 2015, in Dubai, with thousands of people evacuated from the building, media said. Flaming debris could be seen falling from the upper floors of the Torch, one of the tallest residential buildings in the world at 336.1 meters. The blaze began around the 50th floor and spread above the 70th floor, reports said. The building on the Dubai Marina has 79 floors. High winds were complicating the fire, and some people fleeing the building were being treated for smoke inhalation. The cause of the fire is yet unknown. No casualties have been yet reported. EPA/ALI HAIDER
epa04629979 A member of the UAE civil defense stands in front of the Torch skyscraper where a fire was blazed in the Gulf Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21 February 2015. A major fire was blazing in the upper floors of a skyscraper early 21 February 2015, in Dubai, with thousands of people evacuated from the building, media said. Flaming debris could be seen falling from the upper floors of the Torch, one of the tallest residential buildings in the world at 336.1 meters. The blaze began around the 50th floor and spread above the 70th floor, reports said. The building on the Dubai Marina has 79 floors. High winds were complicating the fire, and some people fleeing the building were being treated for smoke inhalation. The cause of the fire is yet unknown. No casualties have been yet reported. EPA/ALI HAIDER
epa04629978 A member of the UAE civil defense stands in front of the Torch skyscraper where a fire was blazed in the Gulf Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21 February 2015. A major fire was blazing in the upper floors of a skyscraper early 21 February 2015, in Dubai, with thousands of people evacuated from the building, media said. Flaming debris could be seen falling from the upper floors of the Torch, one of the tallest residential buildings in the world at 336.1 meters. The blaze began around the 50th floor and spread above the 70th floor, reports said. The building on the Dubai Marina has 79 floors. High winds were complicating the fire, and some people fleeing the building were being treated for smoke inhalation. The cause of the fire is yet unknown. No casualties have been yet reported. EPA/ALI HAIDER

ROMA. Un inferno di cristallo a Dubai. Un vasto incendio è scoppiato nella Torch Tower di Dubai Marina, uno dei grattacieli residenziali più alti del mondo, ma per fortuna tutto si è risolto con una grandissima paura e con ingentissimi danni, le autorità hanno detto che al momento non si segnalano vittime. Le fiamme, sviluppatesi intorno al 50/mo piano, avrebbero divorato dai 10 ai 15 piani dell'edificio, verso l'alto, alimentate anche dai forti venti. Centinaia le persone che sono state evacuate. Ma la situazione adesso è sotto controllo e anche dall'esterno le immagini mostrano come il fronte del fuoco si sia visibilmente ridotto.  Ancora ignote le cause che hanno scatenato l'inferno. «Questo - raccontano i testimoni - anche grazie al rapidissimo intervento dei vigili del fuoco che sono riusciti immediatamente a evacuare le persone all'interno del grattacielo». Altri riferiscono i primi momenti di paura, mentre cadevano alcune parti bruciate dell'edificio: «sembrava come il Titanic che veniva giù».  Secondo alcuni testimoni l'allarme è scattato alle 2:05 locali. «Ci sono stati tre allarmi antincendio nell'ultima settimana e tutti si sono rivelati falsi: anche stavolta pensavo fosse una falsa allerta ma poi ho sentito odore di fumo», ha raccontato uno dei residenti dell'edificio che abita al 59/mo piano. «Ho preso il portafoglio e, con mia moglie, siamo scappati giù», ha aggiunto. La zona di Marina è sede di decine di imponenti condomini e alberghi, molti dei quali costruiti negli ultimi dieci anni. Gli appartamenti sono popolati in maggioranza da professionisti che si sono trasferiti a lavorare a Dubai. L'edificio, inaugurato nel 2011, è tra le più alte torri residenziali del mondo con i suoi 361 metri di altezza e 79 piani.

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