Giovedì 19 Dicembre 2024

Hong Kong, scontri tra manifestanti e polizia: 12 arresti - Le Foto

epa04539530 A pro-democracy protester (C) of Hong Kong’s civil disobedience ’Umbrella Movement’ is arrested by the Hong Kong police for committing ’unlawful assembly’ in Mong Kok, Hong Kong, China, 24 December 2014. EPA/ALEX HOFFORD
epa04539529 Pro-democracy protesters of Hong Kong’s civil disobedience ’Umbrella Movement’ sing Christmas carols in the street in defiance of the Hong Kong police who claim the protesters are breaking the law by committing ’unlawful assembly’, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, China, 24 December 2014. EPA/ALEX HOFFORD
epa04539524 A pro-democracy protester of Hong Kong’s civil disobedience ’Umbrella Movement’ is arrested by the Hong Kong police for committing ’unlawful assembly’ in Mong Kok, Hong Kong, China, 24 December 2014. EPA/ALEX HOFFORD
epa04539637 Members of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China hold banners and chant slogans demanding for the release of 2010 Noble Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo and all prisoners of conscience in China, during protest outside the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Hong Kong, China 25 December 2014. Liu, a writer, professor, and human rights activist, was sentenced to eleven years’ imprisonment on 25 December 2009 for calling for political reforms and the end of communist single-party rule. EPA/JEROME FAVRE
epa04539639 Members of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China hold banners and chant slogans demanding for the release of 2010 Noble Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo and all prisoners of conscience in China, during protest outside the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Hong Kong, China 25 December 2014. Liu, a writer, professor, and human rights activist, was sentenced to eleven years’ imprisonment on 25 December 2009 for calling for political reforms and the end of communist single-party rule. EPA/JEROME FAVRE
epa04539638 Members of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China hold banners and chant slogans demanding for the release of 2010 Noble Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo and all prisoners of conscience in China, during a march to the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Hong Kong, China 25 December 2014. Liu, a writer, professor, and human rights activist, was sentenced to eleven years’ imprisonment on 25 December 2009 for calling for political reforms and the end of communist single-party rule. EPA/JEROME FAVRE
epa04539538 Hong Kong police use video cameras to record pro-democracy protesters of Hong Kong’s civil disobedience ’Umbrella Movement’ singing Christmas carols in the street in defiance of the police who claim the protesters are breaking the law by committing ’unlawful assembly’, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, China, 24 December 2014. EPA/ALEX HOFFORD
epa04539537 A pro-democracy protester of Hong Kong’s civil disobedience ’Umbrella Movement’ confronts a police after whilst singing Christmas carols in the street in defiance of the police who claim the protesters are breaking the law by committing ’unlawful assembly’, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, China, 24 December 2014. EPA/ALEX HOFFORD
epa04539536 Pro-democracy protesters of Hong Kong’s civil disobedience ’Umbrella Movement’ sing Christmas carols in the street in defiance of the Hong Kong police who claim the protesters are breaking the law by committing ’unlawful assembly’, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, China, 24 December 2014. EPA/ALEX HOFFORD
epa04539535 Pro-democracy protesters of Hong Kong’s civil disobedience ’Umbrella Movement’ sing Christmas carols in the street in defiance of the Hong Kong police who claim the protesters are breaking the law by committing ’unlawful assembly’, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, China, 24 December 2014. EPA/ALEX HOFFORD
epa04539534 Pro-democracy protesters of Hong Kong’s civil disobedience ’Umbrella Movement’ sing Christmas carols in the street in defiance of the Hong Kong police who claim the protesters are breaking the law by committing ’unlawful assembly’, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, China, 24 December 2014. EPA/ALEX HOFFORD
epa04539533 Pro-democracy protesters of Hong Kong’s civil disobedience ’Umbrella Movement’ sing Christmas carols in the street in defiance of the Hong Kong police who claim the protesters are breaking the law by committing ’unlawful assembly’, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, China, 24 December 2014. EPA/ALEX HOFFORD
epa04539532 Pro-democracy protesters of Hong Kong’s civil disobedience ’Umbrella Movement’ sing Christmas carols in the street in defiance of the Hong Kong police who claim the protesters are breaking the law by committing ’unlawful assembly’, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, China, 24 December 2014. EPA/ALEX HOFFORD
epa04539531 A pro-democracy protester (C) of Hong Kong’s civil disobedience ’Umbrella Movement’ is arrested by the Hong Kong police for committing ’unlawful assembly’ in Mong Kok, Hong Kong, China, 24 December 2014. EPA/ALEX HOFFORD
epa04539527 Pro-democracy protesters of Hong Kong’s civil disobedience ’Umbrella Movement’ face off with the Hong Kong police who claim the protesters are breaking the law by committing ’unlawful assembly’, in Hong Kong, China, 24 December 2014. EPA/ALEX HOFFORD

HONG KONG. Dodici persone sono state arrestate giovedì a Hong Kong nel corso di scontri fra manifestanti pro-democrazia e la polizia. Centinaia di persone erano scese in strada, per la prima volta dopo lo smantellamentO dei presidi in centro città la settimana scorsa, con uno striscione che diceva «Vogliamo un vero suffragio universale». La polizia li ha caricati con manganelli e spray urticanti per liberare le vie. Dieci uomini e due donne fra i 13 e i 43 anni sono stati arrestati. Due poliziotti sono rimasti feriti.

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