Sabato 27 Aprile 2024

Uccise ragazzo nero, ma non viene incriminato: scontri a Ferguson - Foto

epa04502784 Police in riot gear stand in front of the former ’Beauty World’ business in Ferguson Missouri, USA 25 November 2014. According to St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, the Grand jury decided that Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson will not be charged in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. Protestors have taken to the streets angry that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson was not indicted by a grand jury for the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown in August 2014. EPA/TANNEN MAURY
epa04502806 A riot policeman passes by a burning police vehicle in Ferguson, Missouri, USA, 24 November 2014. According to St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, the Grand jury decided that Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson will not be charged in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. Protestors have taken to the streets angry that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson was not indicted by a grand jury for the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown in August 2014. EPA/ALEXEY FURMAN
epa04502785 A protestor is overcome with tear gas during protests in Ferguson, Missouri, USA, 24 November 2014. Protestors have taken to the streets angry that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson was not indicted by a grand jury for the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown in August 2014. EPA/TANNEN MAURY
epa04502808 Riot policemen pass a burning police car in Ferguson Missouri, USA, 24 November 2014. According to St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, the Grand jury decided that Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson will not be charged in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. Protestors have taken to the streets angry that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson was not indicted by a grand jury for the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown in August 2014. EPA/ALEXEY FURMAN
epa04502788 People hold placards outside the White House while protesting against the grand jury decision not to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in the 09 August shooting death of Michael Brown, in the Brady Briefing Room of the White House in Washington DC, USA, 24 November 2014. The grand jury has decided there was ’no probable cause’ to indict Darren Wilson, the white police officer who killed unarmed African-American teenager Michael Brown in an August shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, St Louis County prosecutor Robert McCulloch said. EPA/MICHAEL REYNOLDS
epa04502809 A woman lies on the ground as she blocks movement of the police vehicles in Ferguson, Missouri, USA, 24 November 2014. According to St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, the Grand jury decided that Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson will not be charged in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. Protestors have taken to the streets angry that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson was not indicted by a grand jury for the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown in August 2014. EPA/ALEXEY FURMAN
epa04502794 A building burns out of control in Ferguson, Missouri, USA, 25 November 2014. According to St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, the Grand jury decided that Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson will not be charged in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. Protestors have taken to the streets angry that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson was not indicted by a grand jury for the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown in August 2014. EPA/LARRY W. SMITH
epa04502812 A protester urinates in front of a burning auto parts store in Ferguson, Missouri, USA, 25 November 2014. According to St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, the Grand jury decided that Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson will not be charged in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. Protestors have taken to the streets angry that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson was not indicted by a grand jury for the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown in August 2014. EPA/TANNEN MAURY
epa04502793 Police in riot stand in front of a burning building in Ferguson, Missouri, USA, 25 November 2014. According to St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, the Grand jury decided that Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson will not be charged in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. Protestors have taken to the streets angry that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson was not indicted by a grand jury for the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown in August 2014. EPA/LARRY W. SMITH
epa04502816 Police in riot gear stand in front of a burning building in Ferguson, Missouri, USA, 25 November 2014. According to St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, the Grand jury decided that Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson will not be charged in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. Protestors have taken to the streets angry that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson was not indicted by a grand jury for the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown in August 2014. EPA/LARRY W. SMITH
epa04502801 Protesters listen to the grand jury’s decision as they protest in Ferguson, Missouri, USA, 24 November 2014. According to St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, the Grand jury decided that Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson will not be charged in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. EPA/ALEXEY FURMAN
epa04502746 Police in riot gear move past a vehicle that continues to burn on the street in Ferguson Missouri, USA 24 November 2014. According to St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, the Grand jury decided that Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson will not be charged in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. Protestors have taken to the streets angry that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson was not indicted by a grand jury for the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown in August 2014. EPA/LARRY W. SMITH
epa04502773 Police try to keep protesters moving while marching to Time Square to protest the St. Louis County grand jury decision not to bring criminal charges against Darren Wilson, in New York, New York, USA, 24 November 2014. The grand jury has decided there was ’no probable cause’ to indict Darren Wilson, the white police officer who killed unarmed African-American teenager Michael Brown in an August shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, St Louis County prosecutor Robert McCulloch said. EPA/PETER FOLEY
epa04502803 Riot policemen clash with protesters in Ferguson Missouri, USA, 24 November 2014. According to St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, the Grand jury decided that Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson will not be charged in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. EPA/ALEXEY FURMAN
epa04502778 Protesters march in the middle of Seventh Avenue to protest the St. Louis County grand jury decision not to bring criminal charges against Darren Wilson, the white police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown, in New York, New York, USA, 24 November 2014. The grand jury has decided there was ’no probable cause’ to indict Darren Wilson, the white police officer who killed unarmed African-American teenager Michael Brown in an August shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, St Louis County prosecutor Robert McCulloch said. EPA/JUSTIN LANE
epa04502804 Riot policemen clash with protesters in Ferguson Missouri, USA, 24 November 2014. According to St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, the Grand jury decided that Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson will not be charged in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. EPA/ALEXEY FURMAN
epa04502771 Protesters raise their hands in the air as they march to Time Square to protest the St. Louis County grand jury decision not to bring criminal charges against Darren Wilson, in New York, New York, USA, 24 November 2014. The grand jury has decided there was ’no probable cause’ to indict Darren Wilson, the white police officer who killed unarmed African-American teenager Michael Brown in an August shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, St Louis County prosecutor Robert McCulloch said. EPA/PETER FOLEY
epa04502797 A protester shouts slogans during clashes with riot police in Ferguson, Missouri, USA, 24 November 2014. According to St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, the Grand jury decided that Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson will not be charged in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. EPA/ALEXEY FURMAN
epa04502750 Protesters face a line of riot police in Ferguson Missouri, USA 24 November 2014. According to St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney, the Grand jury decided that Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson will not be charged in the shooting death of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. Protestors have taken to the streets angry that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson was not indicted by a grand jury for the shooting death of teenager Michael Brown in August 2014. EPA/LARRY W. SMITH
epa04502772 Protesters rally in Union Square to protest the St. Louis County grand jury decision not to bring criminal charges against Darren Wilson, in New York, New York, USA, 24 November 2014. The grand jury has decided there was ’no probable cause’ to indict Darren Wilson, the white police officer who killed unarmed African-American teenager Michael Brown in an August shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, St Louis County prosecutor Robert McCulloch said. EPA/PETER FOLEY

FERGUSON. Darren Wilson non sarà incriminato. Il Gran giurì ha deciso che nel caso del poliziotto che il 9 agosto scorso sparò e uccise il diciottenne nero Mike Brown a Ferguson, nel Missouri, non ci sono prove sufficienti per il rinvio a giudizio. Una decisione che si rincorreva da giorni, soprattutto dopo che il governatore dello Stato, Jay Nixon, aveva dichiarato lo stato di emergenza e allertato la Guardia nazionale, ma che ha comunque colto di sorpresa la comunità di 21mila abitanti, di cui i due terzi afroamericana. «È stata fatta un'indagine completa», ha detto il pubblico ministero Robert McCulloch nell'annunciare la scelta fatta dai 12 giurati. «Il nostro Paese è bastato sullo Stato di diritto e dobbiamo accettare il fatto che questa è stata una decisione del Gran giurì», ha detto il presidente americano Barack Obama, intervenuto a sorpresa in diretta tv, esortando ancora una volta i manifestanti a protestare pacificamente e invitando la polizia a «mostrare moderazione». «Non ci sono scuse per la violenza. I progressi non si fanno lanciando bottiglie», ha proseguito il presidente. Obama ha però sottolineato come quella di Ferguson sia «una questione che riguarda tutta l'America, una questione reale». «C'è una profonda sfiducia tra la polizia e la comunità afroamericana». «E questa - ha spiegato il presidente americano - è l'eredità di una lunga storia di discriminazione nel nostro Paese. È necessario riconoscere come la situazione di Ferguson parla all'intero Paese e mostra le più ampie sfide che noi ancora affrontiamo come nazione». Intanto il ministro della Giustizia, Eric Holder, ha annunciato che «il dipartimento va avanti con la propria inchiesta sull'uccisione di Brown e sulle accuse alla polizia di ricorrere a presunte politiche e pratiche incostituzionali».  All'annuncio del procuratore, la famiglia Brown si è detta «profondamente delusa per il fatto che l'assassino di nostro figlio non dovrà rispondere delle sue azioni». Poco dopo, le dichiarazioni dello stesso agente Wilson, il quale nel ringraziare coloro che gli sono stati vicini, si è scagliato contro i media dicendo che quello che avrà da dire lo dirà al momento opportuno. La decisione del Gran giurì ha subito provocato le proteste non solo a Ferguson, ma nella principali città americane. Da New York, a Seattle, Los Angeles, Chicago, Cleveland, Oklahoma City, Oakland e Pittsburg, l'America sta rivivendo lo stesso scenario di rabbia scoppiato dopo l'uccisione di Trayvon Martin, 17enne nero freddato da una guardia volontaria il 26 febbraio di due anni fa, a Sanford, un sobborgo di Orlando, in Florida. Nonostante i ripetuti appelli alla calma, a Ferguson sono stati segnalati diversi tafferugli tra le forze dell'ordine e un gruppo di manifestanti che ha assalito un'auto vuota della polizia spaccando vetri e parabrezza. Subito sono intervenuti gli agenti in tenuta antisommossa che hanno lanciato lacrimogeni per disperdere la folla. Uno dei giornalisti della Cnn è rimasto ferito dai gas. Alcuni spari sono stati uditi nei pressi della stazione di polizia. Diverse auto sono state incendiate ed scene di razzia nei negozi si sono registrate in alcuni punti della città. Ma al momento la situazione appare sostanzialmente sotto controllo, anche se la tensione resta elevatissima, e il timore di nuovi violenti scontri, come la scorsa estate, è tutt'altro che tramontato.

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