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Danieli, hydrogen requires energy that Italy lacks

"There are preconditions" for a Hydrogen Valley between Friuli Venezia Giulia, Slovenia, and Croatia, "but you need energy, which we don't have in Italy, to produce hydrogen. Slovenia has nuclear, and Croatia has gas. So you can produce hydrogen. But you can't talk about hydrogen without deciding how to make energy." So said the president of the Danieli Group, Gianpietro Benedetti.

Few days ago the minister of Economic Development, Giancarlo Giorgetti, and his Croatian counterpart Davor Filipovic visited the ABS plant in Cargnacco (Udine). Minister Giorgetti were in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Danieli underlined, "for broader cooperation with Croatia: I believe that Fvg should look to the East in an even more constructive way because there is an excellent attitude to collaborating on the Croatian and Slovenian sides. They both have energy solutions."

As for rising energy costs, Benedetti clarified, "it is not the war in Ukraine that has led to the increase in energy, but this was due to the breaking of the ceiling on which America, Canada, and Holland had relied. Energy will fluctuate in much the same way as oil, but still, it will not go back because it is free in the market and not supported."

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